Bright Stanley

Themes: Amusement, Friendship, Language work 

Connections to the Curriculum in English: This amusing book encourages talk about friendship and togetherness. In addition, this book provides young learners with basic vocabulary to talk about sea life. 

Book cover

Author and publisher: Matt Buckingham, Little Tiger Press 

Summary: This book tells the story of a fish called Bright Stanley who one day discovers that he has been left behind by his shoal. He sets out on an adventure to find his friends again. He meets a rude lobster and a scary shark, and he bumps into a shiny pearl in which he sees a reflection of himself. Finally, he is reunited with his shoal. The book has eye catching illustrations which encourage communication. 

Suitable for students in years: 3-4 

Tags: Amusement, Friendship, Language work
Published Feb. 11, 2022 7:58 PM - Last modified Sep. 20, 2022 2:32 PM