Erandi's Braids

Themes: Family, Intercultural competence, Language work 

Connections to the Curriculum in English: This picture book portraits life and culture in a small Mexican village and hence, contributes to developing students’ intercultural competence. It is also a book about family relations, solidarity, and sacrifice. The language is sprinkled with Spanish words throughout the book. 

Book coverAuthor and publisher: Antonio H Madrigal, Puffin Books 

Summary: This book tells the story of Erandi who lives together with her mother in a Mexican village. She is excited about her forthcoming birthday; she will be seven, and all she hopes for is a new dress to wear at the village fiesta. However, their fishing net is full of holes, and mama says they need a new net badly. Erandi fears there won’t be enough money for buying her a dress. Mamá decides to sell her braids, but the barber says they are not long enough. Then Erandi decides to sell her braids, and now they have enough money for buying both a new dress for Erandi and a fishing net. The book has colourful and expressive pictures.  

Suitable for students in years: 4-5

Tags: Family, Intercultural competence, Language work
Published June 30, 2023 3:57 PM - Last modified June 30, 2023 3:57 PM