Snowmen at Night

Themes: Amusement, Language work, Seasons 

Connections to the Curriculum in English: This amusing book deals with child culture and wintry traditions. It is a rhyming story and encourages young learners to work with the rhythm and pronunciation of the English language. In addition, the story can serve as a model text for helping young learners to start writing simple texts.

Book cover

Author and publisher: Caralyn Buehner, Scholastic 

Summary: One wintry morning, a young boy finds his round and tall snowman he built yesterday to look rather droopy. He starts wondering:  What do snowmen do at night? This book reveals the secret. When we are sleeping, the snowmen are having a great time together: they slide off the lawn and down the street to meet their snowmen friends, they go to the pond to do skating and tricks on ice, they play a baseball game with snowballs………  

Suitable for students in years: 3-7 

Tags: Amusement, Language work, Seasons
Published Dec. 22, 2021 10:57 PM - Last modified Sep. 20, 2022 2:32 PM