Wombat Goes Walkabout

Themes: Animals, Diversity, Friendship, Language work 

Connections to the Curriculum in English: This book can inspire students to talk about friendship and diversity. Furthermore, this book can serve as a model text and inspire young learners to write their own texts. 

Book cover

Author and publisher: Michael Morpurgo, HarperCollins Children’s Books 

Summary: This book tells the story of Wombat who loves to dig holes and think a lot. One day, he digs a very deep hole, but when he comes out, his mother is gone. So, he starts looking for her everywhere. On his way through the forest, he meets many other creatures: Kookaburra, Wallaby, Possum, Emu, Boy and Koala. They all ask him what he can do, and when he says “I dig a lot and I think a lot”, their response is “That’s nothing” and they show Wombat what they can do. But, one day a big fire breaks out, and Wombat digs the biggest hole ever making room for everyone to hide and stay safe. Later, they all help Wombat to find his mother. 

Suitable for students in years: 3-4 

Tags: Animals, Diversity, Friendship, Language work
Published June 9, 2022 11:51 AM - Last modified Sep. 22, 2022 4:34 PM