At the Drop of a Cat

Themes: Family, Friendship, Identity 

Connections to the Curriculum in English: This picture book can inspire talk about the generation gap and help learners express their feelings and become confident users of English so they can participate in communication on different topics. 

Book coverAuthor and publisher: Élise Fontenaille & Violeta Lópiz. Enchanted Lion books. 

Summary: The narrator, a young boy, loves to spend time with his grandpa Luis, especially in his marvellous garden. Because Luis was a refugee and fled war in his country at a young age, he never went to school and learnt to write and read. However, his illiteracy is not the focus of the book. Luis teaches his grandson about plants, birds and cats and the natural world. He also shares his knowledge and skills of cooking, painting, and playing the guitar with his grandson. Towards the end of the book, the little boy can read well, and Luis celebrates by giving him a gift, a guitar, which reinforces this close bond between the two of them. This book is a good starting point for talking about different kinds of knowledge that we need to live a happy life and how it can be transmitted from one generation to the next. 

  Suitable for students in years: 6-8

Tags: Family, Friendship, Identity
Published Mar. 6, 2024 3:05 PM - Last modified Mar. 6, 2024 3:05 PM