
Themes: Feelings, Health and life skills 

Connections to the Curriculum in English: This picture book can inspire young people to open up and talk about their feelings and provide new perspectives on different ways of thinking.  


book cover

Author and publisher: Cori Doerrfeld. Scallywag Press Ltd. 

Summary: Finn is in a terrible mood, and he is hiding under a blanket; he does not want to talk about it. Grandpa invites him for a walk in the forest, and Finn unwillingly joins, still hiding under the blanket. Throughout their walk, Grandpa talks about the many things they pass by: big trees with roots growing underneath and beneath what’s happening on the outside of plants is what’s happening on the inside of them. “It’s the same with people”, Grandpa explains, “Beneath actions are explanations” and “Beneath someone who looks as if they won’t understand is someone who knows exactly how you feel.” Finn experiences that it is so good to talk with Grandpa, and he wants to continue walking. 

Suitable for students in years: 5-7 

Tags: Feelings, Health and life skills
Published Jan. 15, 2024 9:06 PM - Last modified Jan. 15, 2024 9:06 PM