Greyfriars Bobby - a Puppy's Tale

Themes: Amusement, Animals, Friendship 

Connections to the Curriculum in English: This traditional tale from Scotland inspires students to read longer texts and contributes to reading pleasure. 

Book cover

Author and publisher: Michelle Sloan,  

Summary: This book tells the well-known and heart-warming tale of Greyfriar Bobby, a faithful terrier who lives in Edinburgh. Bobby has many friends, but he longs for a home. One day, Bobby and a boy called Sandy catch a pickpocket. Sandy is allowed to start school and is given a new home, but Bobby cannot join him. Bobby moves in with the kind constable John Gray, and from now on, Bobby patrols the streets of Edinburgh together with the constable at night. When John Gray dies, Bobby comes to his master’s grave every day for fourteen years, and he becomes known as Greyfriars Bobby.  

Suitable for students in years: 5-7 

Tags: Amusement, Animals, Friendship
Published May 31, 2022 1:07 PM - Last modified Sep. 20, 2022 2:33 PM