My Two Grannies

Themes: Family, Intercultural competence

Connections to the Curriculum in English: This book is an inspiration to investigate ways of living and traditions in different societies in the English-speaking world and reflect on identity and cultural belonging.  

Book coverAuthor and publisher: Floella Benjamin,  

Summary: Alvina has two grandmothers, Granny Rose from the north of England and Granny Vero from the Caribbean island of Trinidad. One day, her two grannies move in to look after her because her parents are going away on holidays. Granny Rose and Granny Vero want to do different things, and they start arguing about what food to cook and what games to play. The two grannies get crosser and crosser with each other. However, Alvina figures out a solution; she tells the two grannies to take turns so that Granny Vero can do everything one day and Granny Rose the next day. In this way, Alvina and her two grannies experience different food, games and traditions from the two societies.  

Suitable for students in years: 5-7 

Tags: Family, Intercultural competence
Published Oct. 26, 2021 10:07 PM - Last modified Sep. 20, 2022 2:33 PM