Red and the City

Themes: Feelings, Health and life skills 

Connections to the Curriculum in English: This picture book can inspire young people to open up and talk about their feelings and provide new perspectives on different ways of thinking.

Book cover

Author and publisher: Marie Voigt. Oxford University Press.  

Summary: This picture book is a modern take of Little Red Riding Hood, but here, the wolf takes the form of a city. Red’s mother asks her to go visit Grandma bringing her a cake. On her way, she walks through the city, and she finds herself swallowed up by all the temptations in the city. This story is about the many distractions we meet in life and challenges the readers to stick to one’s original intentions. Hence, this book can initiate conversations about making decisions and how to handle unexpected temptations.  

Suitable for students in years: 5-7 

Tags: Feelings, Health and life skills
Published Jan. 15, 2024 3:25 PM - Last modified Jan. 15, 2024 3:25 PM