The Bad Seed

Themes: Bullying, Feelings, Friendship, Health and life skills  

Connections to the Curriculum in English: This book encourages students to reflect on how their behaviour may influence their surroundings and fellow students. In this way, the book can provide new perspectives on the pupils’ own way of life and that of others.    

Book cover

Author and publisher: Jory John, HarperCollins Publishers 

Summary: This book tells the story of a baaaaaad sunflower seed; he is late for everything, he never puts thing back where they belong, he lies about pointless stuff……. This makes him not only a bad seed, but also a sad seed. So, one day, he changes his mind about himself and decides to become a happy seed. However, it is very hard to be good when you are used to being bad. The seed takes small steps away from being a bad seed; “And, even though I still feel bad, sometimes, I also feel kind of good. It’s sort f a mix. All I can do is keep trying. And keep thinking, maybe I’m not such s bad seed after all.”   

Suitable for students in years: 6-8

Tags: Bullying, Feelings, Friendship, Health and life skills
Published June 8, 2022 9:17 PM - Last modified Sep. 20, 2022 2:33 PM