You Can't Play HERE!

Themes: Amusement, Intercultural competence 

Connections to the Curriculum in English: This amusing story set in Scotland provides young learners with knowledge about the tradition of playing bagpipes. 

Book cover

Author and publisher: Angus Corby, Picture Kelpies 

Summary: This book tells the story of a young Scottish boy, Gregor MacDonald, who is thrilled when he gets a set of bagpipes for his birthday. He wants to become as good as Grandad at playing the bagpipes. However, every time he starts playing, an awful noise can be heard. He goes from house to loch, to barn and the hillside but each time he starts, people tell him “You can’t play here!” It seems as the whole world is against him until he one day finds acceptance in the most unlikely of all places…… 

Suitable for students in years: 5-7

Tags: Amusement, Intercultural competence
Published Mar. 23, 2022 9:45 PM - Last modified Sep. 20, 2022 2:33 PM