A Man Called Raven

Themes: Art and crafts, Cross-curricular, Identity, Indigenous people, Intercultural competence, Democracy and citizenship

Connections to the Curriculum in English: This book encourages students to explore and reflect on the history, traditions and the contemporary situation of indigenous people in the English-speaking world. Furthermore, it opens up for cross-curricular work in a wide sense; for instance, the art of Native Americans.  

Book cover

Author and publisher: Richard van Camp, Children’s Book Press

Summary: This is a contemporary story from the Northwest Territories in Canada in the lands of Native Americans. We meet two boys who chase a raven to hurt it with their sticks. An elder from the tribe sits down with the boys and tells them a traditional story of a man who was transformed into a raven as punishment, because he hurt ravens. By telling this story, the elder intends to teach the two young boys about respect for life; hence, this book gives good insight into the long tradition of passing on stories from one generation to the next. The colourful and expressive illustrations are paintings by the international-renowned artist from the Plains Cree Nation, George  Littlechild.

Suitable for students in years: 8-10 

Tags: Art and crafts, Cross-curricular, Identity, Indigenous people, Intercultural competence, Democracy and citizenship
Published Dec. 29, 2021 1:27 PM - Last modified Sep. 22, 2022 5:38 PM