This Land Is My Land

Themes: Art and crafts, Cross-curricular, Identity, Indigenous people, Intercultural competence, Democracy and citizenship

Connections to the Curriculum in English: This book encourages students to explore and reflect on the history, traditions and contemporary situation of indigenous people in the English-speaking world. Furthermore, it opens up for cross-curricular work in a wide sense; for instance, the art of Native Americans.

Book cover

Author and publisher: George Littlechild, Children’s Book Press 

Summary: Through his colourful and expressive paintings, the author and renowned artist, George Littlechild, tells and shows the readers the history, traditions and contemporary life of Native Americans, such as Four buffalo spirits, Giving thanks to the grandmothers, Red horse boarding school, Indian artist visits New York. The author says the following about his book: “Working as an artist is my way of healing the pain of the past and helping the next generation of Indian people.” 

Suitable for students in years: 8-10 

Tags: Art and crafts, Cross-curricular, Identity, Indigenous people, Intercultural competence, Democracy and citizenship
Published Dec. 29, 2021 10:08 AM - Last modified Sep. 21, 2022 9:08 PM