Concert (Fadderuka 2022)

Been a while since you were at a concert? Wait no longer! Fadderuke has planned an amazing event at City Scene in Fredrikstad!

Logo Fadderstyret 2022

Logo Fadderstyret 2022

The concert will consist of artists from different genres guaranteed to satisfy a variety of musical tastes.

The doors open at 8 p.m. (20.00) and there will be the opportunity to warm up the party mood and maybe get something tasty at the bar? The first artist will open at 10 p.m. (22.00) and will give chill party vibes. Full party-mode will break loose at 11:30 p.m. (23.30) when the next artist hits the stage! Follow us on facebook – we’ll announce the artists on August 3.

There will be a free bus for those signed-up from Remmen to and from Fredrikstad. Be sure to get your ticket early and sign up for the free bus!

  • For more detailed information and to buy your ticket:
    Concert City Scene

  • Transportation to and from the concert in Fredrikstad:

    We will be arranging free bus transportation to and from Halden to make it easier for everyone to attend the concert in Fredrikstad. If you want to take advantage of this offer, you have to register using the online form (see below). This allows us to make sure everyone gets a spot on the bus!

    Practical information about the bus:
    Make sure you arrive in plenty of time before the departure time. Departure times are listed below.
    The bus takes appr. 45 minutes each way.

    To the concert in Fredrikstad:

  • Departs from: Parking lot at Remmen (campus)
  • Departure time: 7:30 p.m. (21.30)
    When the bus stops at Fredrikstad Stadion (Kråkerøy), faddere will then walk with the group to City Scene. The walk is appr. 11 minutes (800 meters) each way.

From the concert in Fredrikstad:
Departs from: Fredrikstad Stadion (Kråkerøy)
Departure time: 1:45 a.m. (01.45)
Stops: Parking lot at Remmen (campus)

Use this online form to sign-up for the free bus transportation:

Published July 1, 2022 2:49 PM - Last modified July 1, 2022 2:49 PM