Fun and bowling in Halden!

We hope you all join us for a game of bowling with pizza, at Lucky Bowl, Halden. 

Bowling alley at Lucky Bowl.

Spring is coming and we hope that it has been an exciting and educational exchange semester for you so far. We welcome you to join us for a social game of bowling, whilst enjoying some pizza together with your fellow exchange students.

The event is free of charge, transportation and drinks are not included. 

Please use the sign-up form below to let us know that you are coming and if you have any dietary restrictions. Deadline for signing up is Wednesday, April 5th 12 pm.

More information:
We will meet up at Lucky Bowl, Halden, at 16:45 on Wednesday, April 12th. More detailed information about times and place will be sent out to all students that sign up using the form below before the deadline.

Sign-up deadline is Wednesday, April 5th 12 pm.


The International Office
Tags: International students
Published Mar. 29, 2023 10:06 AM - Last modified Mar. 29, 2023 1:09 PM