News - Page 2

Published July 12, 2023 12:34 PM

The Trustworthy AI Lab is an interdisciplinary and international research community to evaluate and discuss the mindful use of artificial intelligence in innovation projects, as part of the Z-Inspection® Initiative.

Published June 7, 2023 8:42 AM

First workshop and kick-off on Cres in the Fostering Energy Transition and Resilience Capacity on Islands (FETREC) project. Researchers in the Innovation Research Group collaborate with Norwegian and Croatian stakeholders in the green transition, exchanging experiences and best practices for sustainable development on the local communities own premises. 

Published June 6, 2023 3:16 PM

GG Gruppen AS står bak utviklingen av Viken Park, et nytt næringsområde for plasskrevende virksomhet som skal bygges i Fredrikstad kommune. Det jobbes aktivt for å legge til rette for sirkulær økonomi allerede fra reguleringsfasen av området. Ett av flere tiltak for å nå dette målet er forprosjektet Kartleggingsverktøy for industriell symbiose, som har blitt tildelt støtte fra FORREGION Viken. HiØ er sentrale i kartlegging av relevante case og litteratur gjennom IRG ved Gunnar Andersson, Frode Ramstad Johansen, Søren Kerndrup og fagbibliotekar Tore Olavson Buarøy. 

Published June 1, 2023 10:15 PM

The purpose with the writing workshops are to help researchers to bring research to articles (level 1 and 2). Special theme in this year's academic writing workshop is developing a design thinking-based & practice-oriented framework for sustainable developmentThe IRG Writing Workshop 2023 is made with the co-operation and assistance of Interreg FREIIA and the EAA FETREC projects.

Published May 1, 2023 1:13 PM

Exploring reuse and redesign of inventory in the municipality using a survey, three workshops and business model ecosystem analysis with stakeholders from IRG, Interreg Greenbizz-project and Fredrikstad kommune. Four months of intensive work in the Klimasats project including good conversations, inspiring discussions and ideas for green business innovations.

Published May 1, 2023 9:40 AM

The OECD has announced a great achievement for the FREIIA project: "The OECD is pleased to inform us that FREIIA has been given priority for publication in the OPSI Case Study Library as a leading innovation. The OECD found it to be a very interesting project with great potential for success and emulation. The OECD hopes that the publication of FREIIA in the library will inspire other governments to take action."

Published Sep. 17, 2022 10:07 AM

Hvert år i uke 38 blir Strømtangen Fyr et ekte miljøfyrtårn. Da inviterer Høgskolen i Østfold, Miljøstiftelsen Elv og Hav og Visit Fredrikstad og Hvaler til diskusjoner i krysningsfeltet innovasjon, miljø og reiseliv. I år er det holdbart reiseliv, Oslofjordens utfordringer og naturrestaurering i praksis som er de viktige temaene vi legger på bordet.

Published Sep. 12, 2022 4:35 PM

Frode Ramstad Johansen from the Innovation research group and Therese Forstervold Mathisen at Faculty of Health, Welfare and Organisation published the article The Impact of Smartphone Apps Designed to Reduce Food Waste on Improving Healthy Eating, Financial Expenses and Personal Food Waste: Crossover Pilot Intervention Trial Studying Students’ User Experiences in JMIR Formative Research (doi: 10.2196/38520). September 2022. 

Published Apr. 28, 2022 1:18 PM

We are proud to announce our application and international venture Facilitating Resilience Embracing Islands Innovation Approaches (FREIIA) for better governance in the North Sea Region.  It is a 30 million NOK project over three years. We were invited to join because of our knowledge, skills and experience in entrepreneurship and student enterprise over more than a decade. The project strengthens our strategic targets supporting student active learning and research-based teaching.