New member of the Research group

Associate professor Tamara Kalandadze is now a member of the research group in Special Education, and provides the research group with additional and valuable educational and research experience.

Picture of Tamara Kalandadze

Tamara Kalandadze

Tamara’s educational background includes (applied) linguistics and special education including language disorders and autism. Tamara defended her PhD thesis at the Department of Special Needs Education at the University of Oslo in December 2019. The title of her thesis is ‘Making sense of the word and the world: figurative language comprehension in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder’.

Tamara has previously worked as a special teacher and a special educational counselor as well as a researcher at the Norwegian Research Council. She is currently employed as a researcher at the Knowledge Centre for Education at the University of Stavanger where she continues to work until she starts as a full time associate professor at HiØ. Tamara’s primary duties at the Knowledge Centre include conducting systematic reviews and meta-analyses.

Tamara’s teaching experience involves language development and language disorders including pragmatic language impairment and Developmental Language Disorder, as well as autism, intellectual disabilities, quantitative research methods and academic writing. In addition, she has supervised bachelor- and master students at UIO.

In her research, Tamara focuses on autism, language and emotion development and the relationships between them in typical and atypical population as well psycholinguistics.


Published Feb. 6, 2020 11:43 AM - Last modified June 15, 2021 2:52 PM