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Project structure

The research project pARTiciPED is divided into six different work packages.

Work package 1: Project management

Leader: Associate Professor Kristine Høeg Karlsen

Østfold University College is the project owner, and Kristine Høeg Karlsen is the project manager. Work package 1 structures the professional and administrative management of the project, including internal and external reporting, financial management and handling of research data.

Work package 2: Lab for co-creating cultural heritage with the help of serious games

Leader: Associate Professor Joakim Karlsen

Teacher students will be engaged in co-designing and co-creating serious digital games to convey cultural heritage across school and organizational boundaries in TCS projects. In a series of workshops, we will examine how teacher students, historians, designers, developers and students collaborate on this task using virtual, augmented and hybrid reality games. The research questions to be answered are:

  • How do external actors and student teachers collaborate when they are to develop a new TCS project?
  • What voices and emotions are central to the participants so that they can participate on their own terms and find their roles in the development of the TCS scheme?
  • What asymmetrical conditions are challenged, and how are these counteracted to facilitate 'transformative mutuality' in such a multitechnological project?

Work package 3: Lab to strengthen the teacher students' competence through dance workshops

Leader: Associate Professor Kristine Høeg Karlsen

Teacher students will be engaged to develop a TCS dance project in the practice schools they are in. This will take place in collaboration with professional choreographers, dancers, teachers and practice teachers. Through a series of participating art workshops based on the project Body in space (KROM) by Camilla Myhre and Caroline Wahlström Nesse, the teacher students will work with professional choreographers and dancers so that they gain experience with choreographic elements. Research questions to be answered are:

  • How do teacher students gain insight into dance and bodily expression through participatory workshops?
  • What voices and emotions are central to the participants so that they can participate on their own terms and find their roles in the development of the TCS scheme?
  • What asymmetries are challenged, and how are these addressed to prepare the ground for 'mutual learning' within this form of expressive dance project?

Work package 4: Lab to initiate dissent and explore the boundaries and possibilities between art and education

Leader: Associate Professor Lisbet Skregelid

Teacher students from the arts and crafts field and general teacher students from the University of Agder will participate in several TCS workshops and activities. Based on the structure of a pilot study, teacher students will experience professional art, meet artists and be involved in artistic processes and workshops. This participation will be similar to the students' meeting with TCS in primary school. Work package 4 will involve various participants from the art and school sector. At different stages of the project, participants will form unique forums to share and create new knowledge by approaching these questions:

  • How can TCS in teacher education contribute to teacher students showing greater familiarity and openness to art and artistic practice?
  • How can the exploration of the boundaries and connections between art and education contribute to an expansion of dominant ways of understanding learning processes, forms of assessment and learning outcomes in current and future educational rhetoric and practice?

Work package 5: Develop the core principles for achieving 'mutual learning' in cross-sectoral cooperation

Leader 5a: Associate Professor Kristine Høeg Karlsen

Leader 5b: Professor Jorunn Spord Borgen

The work package will summarize the work done in work packages 2-4 and operationalize the opportunities that 'third spaces' provide for TCS and the development of 'mutual learning' among teacher students, teacher educators, practice teachers and TCS artists, and administrators. The work will have an ethnographic approach and address asymmetry within and across work packages 2-4. Work package 5 is divided into a and b.

Work package 5a:

Work package 5a aims through a comprehensive synthesis of work package 2-4, to operationalize the opportunities ‘third spaces’ provide for TCS among teacher students, teacher educators, practice teachers and TCS artists and administrators for the development of transformational mutuality (TM), when diverse understandings and interpretations in work package 2-4 are being highlighted, discussed and calibrated (Gantt chart work package 5, task 1,6,7). Based on in-depth interviews, observations and documentation of work package 2-4, work package 5a will address asymmetry within and across the work package 2-4, to answer the following research questions:

  • How can cross-sector collaborations in teacher education, that achieve transformative mutuality between participants be understood, criticized and improved through the development, implementation and evaluation of three TCS projects in teacher education?
  • What are the main principles for cross-sector collaborations in teacher education that empower teacher students to understand their role well, have a voice and feel that they can collaborate on their own terms? 

Work package 5b:

Based on an ethnographic approach (Gantt chart work package 5, task 2), and Actor–network theory (ANT) work package 5b seek to develop and expand knowledge on the collaboration between actors in TCS and the schools in general society. Of special interest, is the positions children, young people and students get / are assigned and / or take themselves, and to help future teachers in the school to rely on research-based knowledge about what they can expect from others' knowledge / position and what they themselves will be able to contribute within the context of TCS. The aim of work package 5b is thus to contribute with research-based knowledge, based on case studies of TCS projects, when diverse understandings and interpretations are being highlighted, discussed and calibrated, to contribute to the answering of the overall research questions in the project. One Overseas Research Grant lasting 6 months is planned for Jorunn Spord Borgen at University of Jyväskylä during the project period, documented by the attached invitation letter (Gantt chart work package 5, task 3). Postdoc Lise Camilla Ruud receives an Overseas Research Grant for two or three short research stays at the Center for Heritage (Newcastle University).

Work package 6: Communication and dissemination

Leader: Associate Professor Kristine Høeg Karlsen

The project management will together plan and implement the scientific and popular science dissemination of the research results. In addition to scientific publishing in approved channels, the work package will be about creating and maintaining a separate website for the project, producing two podcast broadcasts and running a blog.

By From the pilot project: TCS in teacher education. Workshop Teiporama with Sandra Norrbin, University of Agder 2019. Photo: Lisbet Skregelid
Published Dec. 8, 2021 9:23 AM - Last modified Dec. 8, 2021 9:23 AM