Reimbursement of health care costs

The Norwegian National Insurance Scheme (and the European Health Insurance Card) covers necessary health care, except for a nominal fee that you have to pay yourself.  

For registered students, all nominal fees exceeding NOK 300 will be reimbursed at the Foundation for Student Life’s (SiØ) office upon presentation of receipts/documentation from your doctor, psychologist, chiropractor or physiotherapist. These must include your name and the dates of consultations. Only original receipts will be accepted. SiØ will not cover expenses for the few private doctors/clinics that are not included in the scheme. 

If you are not covered by the Norwegian National Insurance Scheme and have to pay full costs for health care, you can contact the appropriate public/private insurance office in your home country to seek reimbursement.



Published June 18, 2018 3:39 PM - Last modified Jan. 4, 2021 1:56 PM