Norwegian version of this page

IT support for employees

IT support is for both students and employees. Get in touch with us by showing up at our helpdesk, or by email or phone. 

For academic support, contact PULS (Læringsstøttesenteret)

Need more help? See IT Support Website.


Zoom is a tool for online teaching, co-creating and collaborating in groups, courses, oral assignments, oral exams and meetings.

See PULS website (Læringsstøttesenteret) for help with your teaching in Zoom.


In addition to phone calls, Teams is used as a tool for video meetings, collaboration and interaction via, among other things, chat.


Canvas is the LMS used by students and employees at HiØ.

Access to Canvas rooms is managed by Section for Student Services.

New employee

Information about the IT services for new employees at Østfold University College


All employees have access to their own home directory and to one or more common shares.

Installing drivers and software

If you don't find what you need in the Software Center (Programvaresenter), you might need temporary administrator access.

Change computer

IT-vakt will contact you when it's time to get a new computer

Storage solutions for employees

IT procurement

Procedyre for IT procurement