Helen Graarud

Norwegian version of this page Faculty of Health, Welfare and Organisation
Norwegian version of this page Position
Doctoral Research Fellow
Study place
Office nr.

Academic interests

My professional areas of interest are aimed at children, youth and families, about growing up conditions and care conditions. I am particulary concerned with child welfare and how such work can be done with respect and in cooperation with those who receive help and services. As a part of this, interdisciplinary collaboration is central, and I am concerned with how the welfare society can best fulfill its social mission with collaborative professions and services.

On the educational side, I am concerned with study quality and how to make students best equipped to carry out important social tasks after graduation. I actively participate in study plan work and educational development work. Of particular interest is simulation as a pedagogical method within the social sciences.

I am currently employed as a research fellow. My research project is about digitalisation and child welfare. I look more closely at how children who live outside the home experience digital contact in their everyday arenas and how the childrens experiences can generate important knowledge with significance for ongoing digitalisation processes in child welfare. I use participatory research where children and young people participate both as informants and co-researchers.

Courses taught


I graduated as a Social Worker in 1993 and have a master´s degree in Social Work with Children and Young People from 2015. In addition, I have further education in network interventions and methods as well as a number of shorter courses in mental health care, child protection, milieu therapy and management.

I have previously worked for many years in both municipal and state child welfare. In addition, I have worked some years in the health care system; in children´s ward in hospital, in mental health care for adults and with young people with disabilities.



Positions held

  • Supervisor for students in extended guidance about suitability at Østfold University College
  • Member of work group "Cooperation on simulation teaching and practices" at Østfold University College


Supervisor for a learning network consisting of child welfare workers in the municipalitiy


Tags: Child welfare, Digitalisation, Empowerment, Participatory Design


  • Graarud, Helen (2022). Om autoetnografi og mentalisering, begeistring og kalddusjer – en (uhøytidelig) reise inn i forskningens verden. UNIPED. ISSN 1500-4538. 45(3), p. 207–218. doi: 10.18261/uniped.45.3.5.

View all works in Cristin

  • Graarud, Helen (2022). Akademisk skolering er ikke alt, dagens sosialarbeidere trenger politisk engasjement. Forskning.no. ISSN 1891-635X.
  • Gerdts-Andresen, Tina; Sletten, Marina Snipsøyr & Graarud, Helen (2020). Hvem skal se meg nå? Fredrikstad Blad.
  • Buzzi, Camilla; Anker-Hansen, Camilla; Arvesen, Petter & Graarud, Helén (2019). Det tverrfaglige kunnskapstorget - bruk av digitale verktøy for å utvikle og styrke tverrfaglig kompetanse.
  • Graarud, Helén (2019). Mentaliseringsbasert pedagogikk og miljøterapi bør ha sin plass i norsk barnevern. Fontene. ISSN 0805-5432. 2019(2), p. 48–53.

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Published July 30, 2018 1:58 PM - Last modified Nov. 10, 2023 11:15 PM