Methodological innovations for interdisciplinary research and practice

Methodological Innovation Network around the North Sea (MINANS) is organizing a workshop on “Methodological innovations for interdisciplinary research and practice”.



Workshop programme


22. June

09:00- 10:00  Coffee
10:00- 10:35  Jon Williamson   The need for interdisciplinarity in causal enquiry
10:45- 11:20 

Rani Anjum/ Elena Rocca Identifying philosophical bias in science
as a method for breaking down interdisciplinary barriers

11:30- 12:05 Luna De Souter, Philosophy meets machine learning: Enhancing causal discovery through model evaluation
13:30- 14:05  Alexandra Trofimov  Fake News Legislation: A case Study on Evidential Pluralism and Interdisciplinarity
14:15-14:55    Veli-Pekka Parkkinen Unique identifiability assumptions in causal inference across disciplines

23. June

David Woods Research opportunities from interprofessional education on medicines optimisation
10:45-11:20    Michael Wilde Interdisciplinarity and power in medicine
11:30- 12:05   Fredrik Andersen Underdetermination, interdisciplinarity, and decision making


No admission fee.

Sign up

For further information about the workshop, contact Fredrik Andersen at











Publisert 5. juni 2023 12:53 - Sist endret 5. juni 2023 14:22