Is the Organizational Form ‘the Business Federation’ the answer for Firms in Eco Tourism in South Africa?

Førsteamanuensis Carsten M. Syvertsen ved Institutt for økonomi, innovasjon og samfunn har skrevet artikkelen Is the Organizational Form ‘the Business Federation’ the answer for Firms in Eco Tourism in South Africa? Artikkelen står som et kapittel i boken Fagbadebo, M. O. (ed.) Insights into Economics and Management.  


The article highlights how eco-tourism can be organized in the Cape Town area in times  of economic decline, increased social unrest and serious illnesses as for example AIDS/HIV and Covid-19. In order to  increase demand in the tourism industry, eco-tourism is suggested as an avenue to follow. In times with increased emphasis on sustainability and more emphasis on healthy food and drinks, as well as on African tribes and local religions in the Cape area, there might be hope in the horizon. The paper introduces the business federation as an organizational model focusing on regionalization in a globalised tourism industry. The paper uses chaos theory as a theoretical  basis, particularly butterfly effects that can have both positive and negative effects on economic performance, and in many ways representing the current turbulent and complex times.

Publisert 1. juni 2022 18:05 - Sist endret 5. des. 2022 14:40