Student guards

The task of our student guards is to safeguard the university college's interests after opening hours. They are based in the Service Square, but have tasks that span the entire campus.

The job as a student guard involves, among other things, handling inquiries from people who are staying in the building in the evenings. This may also involve tasks such as acting as a guide, ticket controller etc. in connection with seminars, performances and events for external people, as well as other activities on weekday evenings. The student guards are responsible for conducting inspection rounds in the building, and making sure that windows are closed, lights are out and doors are locked.

The student guards at the Halden campus will also receive and unlock/lock again for sports teams that use the sports hall, Remmenhallen.

Published Apr. 30, 2021 1:22 PM - Last modified Apr. 30, 2021 1:22 PM