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Campus services

Opening hours and contact information

When is the Service Square open? How do I get in touch with the post reception?

Electric car

As an employee at HiØ, you can now borrow an electric car when you travel during working hours. If you are a student or a private individual, you can also borrow these cars outside of working hours at the university college.

Transportation and parking

Information about parking at campus, and shuttle taxi from Halden station to Remmen (campus Halden).

Keys and access cards

Access to campus, offices, classrooms and swimming pool/gym can be obtained at the Service Square.

Training offers

Østfold University College has specific training programmes intended for staff and students.

Student guards

The task of our student guards is to safeguard the university college's interests after opening hours. They are based in the Service Square, but have tasks that span the entire campus.

Print & copy

Printing of master's theses, project assignments, doctoral theses, compendiums, posters and information materials and other printing tasks for students and staff.

Course and conference support

Assistance and service offerings when courses and conferences are to be organised.