Norwegian version of this page

Contact IT-Support (IT-vakt)

IT-support is for both students and employees. You can contact our IT-support on both e-mail and phone. Our IT-support can also be visited by the library in Fredrikstad and at Infotorget in Halden.
The IT-support has no Teams-account, so we cannot be reached by Teams-chat.

How to get in contact with our IT-support?


Phone: +47 69 60 88 50
Visit us: Next to the library (Zone H4)
Opening Hours:
Monday and Friday: 08:00-15:45 (phone open till 20:00)
Tuesday to Thursday: 08:00-20:00


Phone: +47 69 60 80 50
Visit us: At Infotorget in "Vrimle" (A1), right behind Servicetorget.
Opening Hours:
Monday - Thursdag: 08:00-20:00
Friday: 08:00 - 18:00

Get help with remote control

The IT-support primarily uses Quick Assist for remote control.
This works for most people with Windows PCs.

Published June 3, 2020 7:50 AM - Last modified Apr. 2, 2024 7:55 AM