Open lecture: What has led America to relentless and increased violence?

The International Team at HiØ invites you to an open lecture by Christophe Vallade about  the relentless and increased violence in America. 

The American flag waving in the wind

The International Team is pleased to host an open lecture by Christophe Vallade from our partner university Université de Poitiers this Wednesday in the library, campus Halden. While Christophe is French and associated with a French university, he also has an expertise in American culture and politics which offers an interesting perspective.

Join us in the library 8 February from 11:30 – 12:30 and bring your lunch, a friend or colleague and hear Christophe’s thought on:

What has led America to relentless and increased violence? Is this rooted in the American genes? Or can it be explained by political, social or structural divisions?


Internasjonalt team
Emneord: library, USA
Publisert 6. feb. 2023 12:05 - Sist endret 6. feb. 2023 12:27