SLIKarena: "Shared Reading" in a teaching context

SLIKarena is the Department of Languages, Literature and Culture`s (SLIK) regular lecture concept where research and teaching activities at the institute are shared with staff and students. This time we welcome you to associate professor Annika Mörte Alling`s presentation about shared reading as methods of teaching.

Presentation of a method of reading texts that was initiated by Jane Davis in Liverpool before the turn of the millennium. At least 500 reading groups exist in Great Britain and Shared Reading (SR) is now also widespread in Scandinavia, mostly outside the educational context, in libraries and prisons, in healthcare and elderly care and in many other social contexts.

A Shared Reading group meets in a safe environment around a short, inspiring text they have not read before. The leader reads aloud with pauses for conversation and joint, undemanding reflection, and together the group makes the text grow, create meaning and spark new thoughts. 

As I will try to explain, I believe that several principles and methods within SR can be used with great advantage in teaching and not only within literature and language studies. I hope to hear your thoughts on this. 

This seminar is also streamed live via Zoom:


SLIK, biblioteket
Publisert 5. feb. 2024 10:17 - Sist endret 5. feb. 2024 10:21