PhD Defense: Susanne Koch Stigberg

Doctoral candidate Susanne Koch Stigberg at the TU Wien Informatics Doctoral School, Austria, is defending the thesis “Designing Mobile Interactions-Exploring Situated Use and Active Participation in Mobile Interaction Design” for the degree of Doctor scientiae technicorum.

The dissertation aims at developing tools and techniques, informed by active participation and situated use, for designing meaningful mobile interfaces. It has been developed using a Research through Design approach, in which Stigberg has conducted experimental design work in order to investigate and experiment with active participation and situated use to scaffold mobile design inquiry.

The work is motivated both by a growing interest in design tools and prototyping techniques for non-idiomatic interfaces in the field of human computer interaction and interaction design, and the demand for use practice and user involvement in those fields. At the core of the dissertation lies an interest in embodied interaction and physical prototyping to explore mobile technology use while being in motion.

The two key results from the dissertation are the mobile interaction design framework describing the relation between situated use and active participation for mobile interaction design, and engaging prototyping as design method. The dissertation contributes to both design practice and the field of design research, particular mobile interaction design research. A detailed account of the experimental design work is provided.

The defense will be held online via ZOOM:

Publisert 27. jan. 2022 12:55 - Sist endret 27. jan. 2022 12:55