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Practical Research and Post-Qualitative Methods

The research group's focus is practice-based research and post-qualitative research methods. The group works with multisensory methods that experiment with, among other things, photography, video recordings, drawings, audio recording, notes, GPS tracking, and body cameras. What characterizes these methods is that the research focuses on the body's intra-actions with matter and nature.

The research group develops theoretical and methodological perspectives mainly within posthumanism and new materialism. The orientation is interdisciplinary and focuses particularly on pedagogical processes that are connected to teacher training. The group cooperates with Norwegian, Nordic, and international networks, take part in current research, and follows developments in the research area.

News 2023


Emancipatory, Affective and Aesthetic Perspectives on Pedagogy in Practice and Research

A one-day conference with the Research group INTRA in collaboration with Østfold University College

Date: 30th of September 2023

Place: Vandalorum in Värnamo, Sweden

Cost: 900 SEK, which includes all seminars and food, as well as an entrance fee to the art exhibitions of Vandalorum 

At the conference, we will also launch "Project Paulo Freire" wherein Jan-Erik Perneman's perennial work in Freire's footsteps is presented through videos, a Freire-library and a list of an international network in the wake of Freire's work.

Three seminars are planned for the day:

– Emancipatory Pedagogy for Our Time

– Expressive Arts, the Emancipatory Pedagogy and New Materialist Theory

– Practical Research and Post-Qualitative Methods 

More information on


9.30-10.00: Coffee

10.00-11.30: Seminar 1.

Emancipatory Pedagogy in Our Time

In this seminar we will talk about Paulo Freire and how we are to understand his pedagogy and challenges in the public education of our time. Hannes Lundkvist from the Research group INTRA has written about Freire's philosophy in relation to his experiences as the principal of the folk high school Mimi folkhögskola in Gothenburg, while Jan-Erik Perneman, public educator and Ph.D., contributes with over 50 years of experience of working in the spirit of Freire, both in Sweden and in South America. The questions we will talk about is: Is Freire still relevant in our age? What challenges are we facing when we try to implement his pedagogy today?

11.30-12.30: Lunch

12.30-14.00: Seminar 2.

Expressive Arts, the Emancipatory Pedagogy and New Materialist Theory

In this seminar we will practice and talk about communication through aesthetic forms of expressions. Per Apelmo, Börje Forsgård and Linda Jonsson from the Research group INTRA leads the seminar. The questions we will talk about is: What significance and function does communication through aesthetic forms of expressions have in working with Paulo Freire's philosophy and in connecting it to a new materialist thinking?

14.00-14.30: Coffee

14.30-16.00: Seminar 3.

Practical Research and Post-Qualitative Methods 

Bosse Bergstedt from the Research group INTRA and Østfold University College has, as a professor of pedagogy, contributed with developing new knowledge of intra-active relationships between body and matter. In this seminar, we will talk about practical research and post-qualitative methods. The questions we will talk about is: How could multi-sensory and performative methods be used in practical research? How could this contribute to a mutual becoming of matter and nature?

16.00: Follow-up discussions

Apply as soon as possible, 1st of September at the latest, to In your application, you need to inform us of any special preferences regarding the food. The conference has a limited capacity – first come. You are registered when you have paid the fee of 900 SEK to the Handelsbanken-bank account 6700-244244391. Write P Freire and your name on the payment. The application is binding and through your application you support the work of the Research group INTRA.

Those who needs to stay overnight are offered reduced price at the hotel Vidöstern as well as Scandic hotel in Värnamo. Write "Vandalorum 2023" when you book. The booking at Scandic hotel is made on tel. +370-656600 or via

Welcome greetings from the Research group INTRA.

Background material is found at


The research group Practical research and post-qualitative methods invites you to two webinars on Zoom.

Wednesday 26 April: Pedagogy's unexpected moment

Wednesday 24 May: Multisensory methods and analyses

Wednesday 26 April at 14:00 – 16:00

Reports from defenses and conferences

NERA's conference at Oslo Met, March 15-17

New Norwegian network FAM – Norwegian network for philosophy, affect and materiality in meetings with children and childhood


The unexpected moment of pedagogy

A conversation about case-assemblage and other methodological concepts used in Åsa Andersson's thesis titled Sustainable Inclusion without sustainability – Working on equal participation and unforeseen movement in physical education, sports, and research.

Åsa Andersson, PhD at the Department of Nutrition and Sports Science, University of Gothenburg, March 23, 2023.

Wednesday 24 May at 14.00 – 16.00

Reports from defenses and conferences


Multisensory methods and analyses

Conversation about the newly published book, Multisensory methods and analyses- to studies of pedagogical practices, Helene Falkenberg (ed.) and Sofie Sauzet (ed.)

What do you get e.g. sensations for and insights into, when one examines the conscience of professionals by following them in ways reminiscent of dance, where the body, gaze and facial expressions are put in the foreground? How can one understand pedagogy as a sensory and aesthetic practice, when one dwells on the shores of the West coast and notices how time, places and bodies are connected? How do background noise and sound provide access to knowledge about everyday life in educational residences? What happens to studies of educational practice, when you slow down, move slowly and use your sense of sight, smell and hearing? And what knowledge does it generate, when you move with them, you examine, feel their moods and take an interest in their style, taste and gut feelings?


NERA 2023: Digitalization and Technologies in Education - Opportunities and Challenges, 15-15 mars, Oslo Met.

Roundtable presentation with Samira Jamouchi and Lap-Xuan Do Nguyen, abstract:

Roundtable as a playroom event and place of artistic becoming


The roundtable is organised both sequentially and organically. We shall have two distinct but interconnected presentations. We inquire about relationships between art, artistic teaching, and artistic research through the framework of new materialism and post humanism.

The two presentations are also visual and oral examples of a rhizomatic system between art, pedagogy, and research. Bosse, Lap-Xuan and Samira take into action and take into account their works in their on-going process of entangled acts that reveal each other.

First presentation

Bosse and Samira hold the first presentation. They will present a project about teaching students during their practices in Norwegian primary schools. The aim of the project is to initiate a cross-institutional constellation between university college, primary school and the art collective Tenthaus. The aim of the project is to see how artists that work with the public with relevant socially engaged practice can add to, or how it can expand, an understanding of what art can do in school.

The form of their presentation in inspired by their theoretical / philosophical framework: Barad (2007), Deleuze and Guattari (1980), and Haraway (2016). Bosse and Samira will bring yarn/threads and words to the table. The words and threads will be entangled between the contributors and the audience. By doing so the making/playing with objects will facilitate intra-action with the audience to discuss the questions during the finissage (the closing part of the roundtable). 

Second presentation

The second presentation will integrate and build on the first one. Lap-Xuan and Samira will present a new phase of their performative talk series called: “When I think about you and…”. Their encounters grow as a rhizomatic network bringing the process of exchanging the-knowns be-coming the-unknowns and vice versa. We embrace the intensity of our conversations in artistic talks and the unforeseen, as powerful moments evolve from a known past connected to a together becoming of the experienced moments. It is in this state of becoming as making-with that symbiosis takes us further.


The two presentations will leave traces on the table, such as thread, words, and objects. It is with the public that we wish to see what becoming can arise in the discussion with the conference attendees.

Paper presentation, abstract:

Superpositions and Entanglement. What happens in the event of agential cuts?

This paper explores what happens when a research process makes agential cuts. The research question highlights the concepts of “superposition” and “entanglement”, which are used in quantum physics to describe the becoming of particles (Zellinger 2010, Nørretranders 2022).

Superposition means that a particle is in many places at the same time. The particle can move by choosing all paths between two points at the same time and information can travel over great distances without taking any time at all.

Entanglement means that two particles have properties that they get from being connected by being either opposite or equal. When the particles are separated, they will still be entangled and have superposition.

Superposition and entanglement mean that it is not possible to describe one particle without simultaneously describing that it is part of a context with the other. They form a whole and cannot be understood to be in and of themselves, if one's condition changes, the other does the same (Nørretranders 2022).

This is something that goes on until the particles are measured or observed. Then the particle must profess existence by choosing a state and becoming a position of either 0 or 1. But in the meantime, and before they are observed, the particles are in many states at once, a superposition. The experiments that are done today with a quantum computer are therefore based on not exposing particles to any kind of disturbance by freezing them at very low temperatures (Nørretranders 2022).

What does this mean when agential cuts are made in a research process? In agential cuts (Barad 2007; Juelskjær 2019), the becoming of the phenomena is disturbed by the articles of which they consist, which contributes to the creation of differences in what constitutes a whole. This contributes to the phenomenon of going from superposition to position and creating a duality between subject and object.

Quantum physics shows that if something changes in one phenomenon, something will occur in the other phenomenon. The guiding methodological question, therefore, becomes: What happens at another place than where agential cuts are set? It is to this that place the researcher must direct the attention. What happens at the opposite poles? If the condition of one changes, the other does so with the same Which makes it possible to understand how the phenomenon becomes by depicting the compositions that connect the phenomena. Something that is methodologically important for the development of agential realism and other perspectives that use agential cuts in their research.


Bergstedt, Bosse (2022) Tingens oskuldsfulla hemlighet. Oskuldens museum, Istanbul, Nordisk Museologi, Vol 4 No 2, s 97-108. (The innocent secret of things. The Museum of Innocence, Istanbul)

Abstract. This article discusses how it is possible to think with the world in educational research. How can this thinking with the world generate knowledge about the becoming of phenomena? To answer this question this paper undertakes a diffractive reading of selected texts from Niels Bohr, Karen Barad, Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari, Donna Haraway, and Michel Serres. This diffractive reading reveals that the world becomes with itself contributing to an internal principle or an inner self-differentiation. This means that all phenomena can be understood as related to the world in one way or another. This paper contends that the researcher body is important to investigations of the becoming of phenomena with the world, therefore a haptic sensorium is developed as a means to visualize bodily affects and to recognize limit values to the world, for example, background noise. The article concludes with a discussion about creating knowledge of this process as a rhizome. The article attempts to illustrate that thinking with the world can generate new knowledge to understand the becoming of phenomena, which can contribute to the development of educational research.


The research group Practical research and post-qualitative methods

The next seminar will be Tuesday, January 10 at 1 p.m., Møterom Halden C2-208, it's also fine to join on Zoom:

Bosse Bergstedt presents a newly written book script entitled: BECOMING THE WORLD. Essays on particles, bodies, poetry, pedagogy and other boundary phenomena

We talk about current research and about the book Immersive Cartography and Post-Qualitative Inquiry.


Published Dec. 9, 2022 10:33 AM - Last modified Dec. 4, 2023 1:56 PM