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Praksisnær forskning og postkvalitative metoder

Forskningsgruppen praksisnær forskning og postkvalitative forskningsmetoder

Forskningsgruppens fokus er praksisnær forskning og postkvalitative forskningsmetoder. Gruppen jobber med multisensoriske metoder som eksperimenterer med bl.a. fotografering, videoopptak, tegninger, lydopptak, notater, GPS-sporing og kroppskameraer. Det som kjennetegner disse metodene er at forskningen fokuserer på kroppens intra-handlinger med materie og natur.

Forskergruppen utvikler teoretiske og metodiske perspektiver hovedsakelig innenfor posthumanisme og new materialism. Orienteringen er tverrfaglig og fokuserer særlig på pedagogiske prosesser knyttet til lærerutdanningen. Gruppen samarbeider med norske, nordiske og internasjonale nettverk, tar del i aktuell forskning og følger utviklingen på forskningsområdet.


Våren webinar om postkvalitativ forskning

Forskargruppen Praksisnær forskning og postkvalitative metoder vid Høgskolen i Østfold inbjuder till samtal om postkvalitativa perspektiv och metoder.

Onsdag 20 mars, kl 14-16 Kvantfysiken och postkvalitativa metoder.


Om hur kvantfysik kan få oss att upptäcka hur fenomen blir till. Ett samtal om begreppen superposition, entanglement och kvantsprång och om Tor Nørretranders nya bok I syv sind. Kvantecomputeren får os til att opdaga os selv. Gyldendal 2023.

Onsdag 24 april kl 14-16 Posthumanist research and writing as agentic acts of inclusion.


Anne Beate Reinertsen och Louise M. Thomas presenterar sin nya bok  Posthumanist research and writing as agentic acts of inclusion. Knowledge Forced Open. Routledge 2024

This book addresses the constitution of knowledge as an uncertain process, understanding text as spaces for entanglements of knowledge – knowledge not as certainty but as uncertainty – and writing as the act and art of engaging with these entanglements. Through examining research from multiple perspectives, text, stories as narrative are constructed as data – showing ethnographic engagements between writers, readers and texts. The authors show how to construct messy entanglements of continual, always already constant thinking and becomings, through the art and science of research and writing as knowledging processes.

Suitable for scholars of posthumanist thinking in Education and the social sciences, this book challenges the academy to look at new ways of thinking with and through knowledge and showing the importance of such processes.


7th European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry 
University of Helsinki, 10-12 January 2024, Helsinki, Finland 
Fri 12.1.2024, 11:15–12:45 Room U4078, Main building
Presenter:  Bosse Bergstedt, Østfold University College, Norway
Keywords: superposition, entanglement, quantum leaps, haptic sensorium, moment


I will do this based on three concept "superposition", "entanglement" and “quantum leaps” (Barad 2007, Zellinger 2010, Nørretranders 2022). Superposition means that a particle is in many places at the same time. Entanglement means that two or more particles are intertwined with each other in a way that can almost be described as symbiosis.

The question is how particles manage to connect through entanglement and at the same time be in superposition? This is where the concept of quantum leaps becomes interesting (Barard 2007, Bohr 2013). It is not possible to predict where and when the particle will make such a leap. This is something that goes on until the particles are measured or observed. Then the particle must profess existence by choosing a state and becoming a position of either 0 or 1. (Nørretranders 2022).

What does this mean for a research process, is it possible to do research without turning phenomena into a dualistic position? One possibility is to use the body as a research instrument. The body strives for superposition and comes into being through entanglement if it does not make other phenomena into objects. To do this I have selected the concept haptic sensorium (Bergstedt 2021a). That make it possible to be touched by the affects (Massumi 2002) that is created when the body relates to a phenomenon. To succeed in this, it is important to pay attention to accidental and unplanned moments.

This paper describes how this can be used as a post-qualitative method (Barad 2007, Juelskjær 2019, Bergstedt 2021b). Examples that want to include participatory research where the participants together carry out sound walks to explore what happens at a seashore or in a schoolyard.

Nytårskursus 2023-24

Vestjyllands Højskole, professor Bosse Bergstedt:

”Ved det nyt år. Fire pædagogiske filosoffer, der ændrede os.”

Fire pædagogiske tænkere, der gav os nye perspektiver på vores eget liv og verden. Et publikumsinddragende og filosofihistorisk foredrag. Hør om Jean-Jacques Rousseau, John Dewey, Hannah Arendt og Karen Barad. Fire pædagogiske filosoffer, der ændrede os.

Förhandsvisning av bildIngen alternativ text angiven för den här bilden


 Frigörande, affektiva och estetiska perspektiv på pedagogik i praktik och forskning.

En konferens i samverkan mellan Høgskolen i Østfold och forskargruppen INTRA på konstmuseet Vandalorum i Värnamo, lördag 30 september. Deltagare från USA, Finland, Danmark, Norge och Sverige möttes kring tre teman; expressiv art, frigörande pedagogik och new materialism. I samband med konferensen lanseras ”Projekt Paulo Freire” , mer info om forskargruppen INTRA finns på https://forskargruppenintra.se.

Webinar høsten 2023

Forskargruppen Praksisnær forskning og postkvalitative metoder, vid Høgskolen i Østfold inbjuder till två webinar på Zoom hösten 2023.

Onsdag 18 oktober kl 14-16


Walking with A/r/tography

Vi samtalar om a/r/tography som metod, med exempel ur boken Walking with A/r/tography, authors: Alexandra Lasczik , Rita L. Irwin ,  Amy Cutter-Mackenzie-Knowles , David Rousell Nicole Lee, Palgrave Studies, 2021

Offers arts-based and movement based approaches to educational research. Expands the implications for walking and movement and as inquiry. Includes new and innovative walking inquiry modes through the lens of a/r/tography


Onsdag 8 november kl 14-16


Metodologiske ut-viklinger

Cecilie Ottersland Myhre och Ann Hege Lorvik Waterhouse presenterer den nyutgivna boken Metodologiske ut-viklinger. Om kvalitativ og post-kvalitativ forskning i barnehagefeltet, Fagbokforlaget, 2023. https://www.fagbokforlaget.no/Metodologiske-ut-viklinger/I9788245035445

Gjennom antologiens ulike tekster ut-vikles tenkning om og med forskningsetikk, observa(k)sjon, forskningens ubehag, a-r-t-ografi, statistikkstrikk, materialdans, pustende plasthester, autoetnografi, foto-grafering, eksperimenterende skriveprosesser og det å bli noes talsperson. 

Varmt välkomna till två spännande webinar!



Invitasjon til skriveseminar 

Forskergruppen Praksisnær forskning og postkvalitative metoder planlegger å arrangere et skriveseminar høsten 2023.

Vi møtes for å starte arbeidet med artikler til en antologi om postkvalitative metoder med særlig fokus på lærerutdanning og praksisnær forskning. Multisensoriske metoder som eksperimenterer med f.eks. foto, videoopptak, tegninger, lydopptak, notater, GPS-sporing og kroppskameraer og som liker å hente inspirasjon fra metodiske perspektiver innenfor posthumanisme og ny materialisme som t. ex autoetnografi og a/r/tografi.

Vi sikter først og fremst mot utgivelse på norsk forlag. Før seminaret leser vi hverandres abstracts (1-2 sider) og starter seminaret med kommentarer og diskusjon om den videre skrivingen.

Dato: Torsdag morgen – fredag ​​ettermiddag

Merk av datoene du kan delta:

o torsdag-fredag ​​19.–20. oktober

o torsdag-fredag ​​12.–13. oktober

Beliggenhet: I området rundt Fredrikstad/Moss, forslag: Grand hotell Åsgårdsstrand, Hotel Jeløy Radio og Hotel Refsnes Gods. Bestillinger gjøres etter fristen for påmelding.

Forskergruppen betaler for konferansepakker, inkludert kost og losji for ansatte ved HiØ.

Er du interessert i å delta, send en epost senest 1. september til bosse.bergstedt@hiof.no. Ta gjerne kontakt om det er noe du lurer på.

Velkommen til vårt skriveseminar!

Hilser Bosse Bergstedt og Samira Jamouchi


Frigörande, affektiva och estetiska perspektiv på pedagogik i praktik och forskning

Endagskonferens med forskargruppen INTRA i samverkan med Høgskolen i Østfold. Datum: 30 september 2023 Plats: Vandalorum i Värnamo Kostnad: 900 kr, vilket inkluderar samtliga seminarium, fika, lunch och inträde till Vandalorums konstutställningar. Mer info om konferensen och anmälan under Aktualiteter på www.forskargruppenintra.se.

I samband med konferensen lanseras ”Projekt Paulo Freire” där Jan-Erik Pernemans mångåriga arbete i Freires fotspår presenteras i form av filmer, ett Freire-bibliotek samt en lista över ett internationellt kontaktnät i spåren av Freires gärning.

9.30-10.00: Välkommen med fika
10.00-11.30: Seminarium 1. Frigörande pedagogik i vår tid
11.30-12.30: Lunch
12.30-14.00: Seminarium 2. Expressive Arts, den frigörande pedagogiken och nymaterialistisk teori
14.00-14.30: Fika
14.30-16.00: Seminarium 3. Praktiknära forskning och postkvalitativa metoder 16.00: Eftersnack

Anmälan görs senast den 1 september till per@apelmointermodal.se. För dig som vill övernatta erbjuds rabatterat boende på hotell Vidöstern samt på Scandic hotel i Värnamo.
Välkomna hälsar Forskargruppen INTRA och Högskolen i Østfold

Samira Jamouchi har disputerat

Samira Jamouchi disputerade den 8 juni 2023 på sin doktorgradsavhandling med titeln A performative approach to wool felting - Rhizomatic relations in visual arts making and artistic education vid Fakultet for kunstfag, med spesialisering i Kunst i kontekst, Universitetet i Agder, 

En digital versjon av avhandling finns i  AURA: https://uia.brage.unit.no/uia-xmlui/handle/11250/3069978


Jamouchi, S. (2023). A performative approach to wool felting : Rhizomatic relations in visual arts making and art education [Doctoral dissertation]. University of Agder.  


As the first combined dissertation in Fine Arts with the specialisation Arts in context submitted to the University of Agder, comprising artistic and scientific works, this research evolves between artistic and written acts. It is a performative exploration of a performative approach to the ancestral technique of wool felting. The dissertation includes six explorations: three public exhibitions, three articles, and a 7th element consisting of a series of ongoing ‘minor’ moments related to the topic of the thesis that I carry out in my everyday practices as an artist, teacher and researcher. Alongside with that, I provide a mantle that is a metatext of the dissertation. In dialogue with the works of Deleuze and Guattari (1980) and Barad (2007), I use concepts that denote a theoretical and philosophical position inspired by an ontology of immanence and agential realism. The pedagogical stance of this research acknowledges Atkinson’s (2015) ideas on the adventure of pedagogy that brings forward the notion of the ‘not-known’.

The rhizomatic network connecting the seven explorations is transmitted through four interconnected parts that I call ‘strata’, which is in accordance with my research design. A diffractive reading of the explorations suggests a performative pedagogy that actualises questions related to artistic, pedagogical, and research practices. It underlines the emerging knowledge creation in situ as not-isolated and not pre-existing entities and/or thoughts.

Moving between the de-stabilisation–re-stabilisation, de-forming–reforming, and de-territorialisation–re-territorialisation of my practices brings a fruitful in-coherence. My doubts, interrogations, and experimentations might affect the reader, and provoke new thoughts. The mapping of my explorations can create resonance in readers, also in their own contexts – being similar or different. Maybe this could inspire more persons to explore further how one could teach, not only how one should teach.

This dissertation is dedicated to those that doubt and ask questions, but also to those that work with certainty, in artistic, pedagogical, and/or research contexts.

Forskargruppen Praksisnær forskning og postkvalitative metoder inbjuder till två webinar på Zoom.

Onsdag 26 april: Pedagogikens oväntade ögonblick

Onsdag 24 maj: Multisensoriske metoder og analyser

Program onsdag 26 april kl 14.00 – 16.00


Rapporter från disputationer och konferenser

NERAs konferens på Oslo Met, 15-17 mars

Nytt norsk nätverk FAM –norsk nettverk for filosofi, affekt og materialitet i møter med barn og barndom


Pedagogikens oväntade ögonblick

Samtal om case-assemblage och andra metodiska begrepp som används i Åsa Anderssons avhandling titeln Sustainable inclusion without sustainability – Working on equal participation and unforeseen movement in physical education, sports, and researchSustaninaböe inclusion without sustainability.

Åsa Andersson, disputerade vid Institutionen för kost- och idrottsvetenskap, Göteborgs universitet, 23 mars 2023. https://gupea.ub.gu.se/handle/2077/74657

Program Onsdag 24 maj kl 14.00 – 16.00


Rapporter från disputationer och konferenser

Seminarium Multisensoriske metoder og analyser

Samtal om den nyutgivna boken, Multisensoriske metoder og analyser- til undersøgelser af pædagogiske praksisser, Helene Falkenberg (red.) og Sofie Sauzet (red.)



Hvad får man f.eks. fornemmelser for og indsigter i, når man undersøger professionelles samvittighed ved at følge dem på måder, der minder om dans, hvor kroppen, blikket og mimikken sættes i forgrunden? Hvordan kan man forstå pædagogik som sensorisk og æstetisk praksis, når man dvæler ved Vestkystens strande og mærker, hvordan tid, steder og kroppe er forbundne? Hvordan giver baggrundsstøj og lyde adgang til viden om hverdagslivet på pædagogiske bosteder? Hvad sker der med undersøgelser af pædagogisk praksis, når man sænker tempoet, bevæger sig langsomt og bruger sin syns-, lugte- og lyttesans? Og hvilken viden genererer det, når man bevæger sig med dem, man undersøger, mærker deres stemninger og interesserer sig for deres stil, smag og mavefornemmelser?


NERA 2023: Digitalisering og teknologi i utdanning - muligheter og utfordringer, 15-17 mars, Oslo Met.

Roundtable presentation with Samira Jamouchi, Lap-Xuan Do Nguyen and Bosse Bergstedt, abstract:

Roundtable as a playroom event and place of artistic becoming


The roundtable is organised both sequential and organically. We shall have two distinct but interconnected presentations. We inquire about relationships between art, artistic teaching, and artistic research through the framework of new materialism and post humanism.

The two presentations are also a visual and oral examples of a rhizomatic system between art, pedagogy, and research. Bosse, Lap-Xuan, and Samira take into action and take into account their works in their on-going process of entangled acts that reveal each other.

First presentation

Bosse and Samira hold the first presentation. They will present a project about teaching students during their practices in Norwegian primary schools. The aim of the project is to initiate a cross-institutional constellation between university college, primary school, and the art collective Tenthaus. The aim of the project is to see how artists that work with the public with relevant socially engaged practice can add to, or how can expend, an understanding of what art can do in school.

The form of their presentation in inspired by their theoretical/philosophical framework: Barad (2007), Deleuze and Guattari (1980), and Haraway (2016). Bosse and Samira will bring yarn/threads and words to the table. The words and threads will be entangled between the contributors and the audience. By doing so the making/playing with objects will facilitate intra-action with the audience to discuss the questions during the finissage (the closing part of the roundtable). 

Second presentation

The second presentation will integrate and build on the first one. Lap-Xuan and Samira will present a new phase of their performative talk series called: “When I think about you and…”. Their encounters grow as a rhizomatic network bringing process of exchanging the-knowns be-coming the-unknowns and vice versa. We embrace the intensity of our conversations in artistic talks and the unforeseen, as powerful moments evolve from a known past connected to a together becoming of the experienced moments. It is in this state of becoming as making-with that symbiosis takes us further.


The two presentations will leave traces on the table, such as thread, words, and objects. It is with the public that we wish to see what becoming can arise in the discussion with the conference attendees.

Paper presentation with Bosse Bergstedt, abstract:

Superpositions and Entanglement. What happens in the event of agential cuts?

This paper explores what happens when a research process makes agential cuts. The research question highlights the concepts of “superposition” and “entanglement”, which are used in quantum physics to describe the becoming of particles (Zellinger 2010, Nørretranders 2022).

Superposition means that a particle is in many places at the same time. The particle can move by choosing all paths between two points at the same time and information can travel over great distances without taking any time at all.

Entanglement means that two particles have properties that they get from being connected by being either opposite or equal. When the particles are separated, they will still be entangled and have superposition.

Superposition and entanglement mean that it is not possible to describe one particle without simultaneously describing that it is part of a context with the other. They form a whole and cannot be understood to be in and of themselves, if one's condition changes, the other does the same (Nørretranders 2022).

This is something that goes on until the particles are measured or observed. Then the particle must profess existence by choosing a state and becoming a position of either 0 or 1. But in the meantime, and before they are observed, the particles are in many states at once, a superposition. The experiments that are done today with a quantum computer are therefore based on not exposing particles to any kind of disturbance by freezing them at very low temperatures (Nørretranders 2022).

What does this mean when agential cuts are made in a research process? In agential cuts (Barad 2007; Juelskjær 2019), the becoming of the phenomena is disturbed by the articles of which they consist, which contributes to the creation of differences in what constitutes a whole. This contributes to the phenomenon of going from superposition to position and creating a duality between subject and object.

Quantum physics shows that if something changes in one phenomenon, something will occur in the other phenomenon. The guiding methodological question, therefore, becomes: What happens at another place than where agential cuts are set? It is to this that place the researcher must direct the attention. What happens at the opposite poles? If the condition of one changes, the other does so with the same Which makes it possible to understand how the phenomenon becomes by depicting the compositions that connect the phenomena. Something that is methodologically important for the development of agential realism and other perspectives that use agential cuts in their research.

Ny artikel

Bergstedt, Bosse (2022) Tingens oskuldsfulla hemlighet. Oskuldens museum, Istanbul, Nordisk Museologi, Vol 4 No 2, s 97-108.


Publisert 9. des. 2022 10:28 - Sist endret 27. feb. 2024 17:49