Green Futures

How the humanities respond to climate change

Dealing with climate change is not merely a technical or political issue.

Notably, the arts and humanities – philosophy, language, and literature – play a pivotal role in addressing this global challenge. Dystopia and utopia serve as valuable narrative tools in literature for comprehending potential futures.

The manner in which we employ language to describe climate change, disseminate knowledge, and discuss solutions is an integral aspect of coping with it. Not least, we must consider what and how we teach our children about this issue.

The humanities can guide us in navigating this complex situation, and in this panel discussion, we will endeavor to explore how.
The event is mainly in English.
Karl Kristian Swane Bambini, PhD fellow, Høgskolen i Østfold
Melanie Ruth Duckworth, Associate professor in English, Høgskolen i Østfold
Ellen-Marie Forsberg, CEO and Senior researcher, NORSUS
Martin Hollmann, Head of Department, Høgskolen i Østfold
Bryn Martinsen, Rector Halden Montessoriskole
Dette arrangementet er en del av: Sju dager med språk - Språkfestival og arrangeres i samarbeid med Norsk institutt for bærekraftsforskning (NORSUS) i Fredrikstad.

Publisert 5. sep. 2023 10:20 - Sist endret 16. jan. 2024 10:36