AI and Political Communication

The project: AI and Political Communcation sits the intersection of politics, communication and AI. It seeks not only to map, and describe, the use and consequences of AI in political communication, it also takes a development- oriented perspective to the use of AI in political communication.

The revolution in development and use of Artifical Intelligence changes the way we are communicating. Social media and websites are replete with videoes, images and news reports that are generated with AI. Some use AI to quickly churn out videos and publications to get clicks which, in turn, generates money. Some, more worringly, use AI tools for propaganda purposes.

As such, DIGICOM has launched a project which takes a two-pronged approach to the issue of communication in a digital society. First, it seeks to explore and describe how artificial intelligence is being used in Norway to communicate politics, and thereby achieve political power of influence. There is a need to map and understand how AI is being used at the moment in political communication, and this project will deliver research and reports documenting this situation.

The second part of the project explores ways in which AI can be used to detect and counteract AI. With the introduction and rapid use of Chat GPT there was also a call for AI tools to detect when students, for example, had used Chat GPT in their exams. Given that there will only be more examples of AI generated political communication this project aims to develop tools that can help users detect AI generated content.

The project contributes to Høgskolen i Østfold's research initiative The Digital Society

Emneord: Communication, AI, Media, politikk Av Sondre Onsgaard Lindahl
Publisert 17. apr. 2024 16:24 - Sist endret 17. apr. 2024 16:35