Webpages tagged with «DigiWork»

Name Phone E-mail Tags
Picture of Cathrine Linnes Linnes, Cathrine Associate Professor +4769608099 cathrine.linnes@hiof.no Digital society, DigiTech, DigiWork, economic sustainability, sustainable tourism,  higher education, applied technology. 
Picture of Anthony Junior Bokolo Bokolo, Anthony Junior Associate Professor +47Ekstern01315366 anthony.j.bokolo@hiof.no The Digital Society, DigiTech, DigiHealth, DigiEd, DigiWork
Picture of Lilja Mosesdottir Mosesdottir, Lilja Professor +4769608415 lilja.mosesdottir@hiof.no The Digital Society, DigiWork
Picture of Catharina Bjørkquist Bjørkquist, Catharina Professor +4769608827 +4792048520 catharina.bjorkquist@hiof.no The Digital Society, DigiWork, coordination, professionalisation, integrated care, organisation
Picture of Julianne Cheek Cheek, Julianne Professor +4769608253 +4747388268 julianne.cheek@hiof.no The Digital Society, DigiWork
Picture of Fredrik Andersen Andersen, Fredrik Associate Professor +4769608806 +4795032976 fredrik.andersen@hiof.no The Digital Society, DigiWork
Picture of Minela Kvakic Kvakic, Minela Associate Professor +4769608569 minela.kvakic@hiof.no Child welfare, child welfare work, digitalisation, social media use in professional work, street-level bureaucracy, trust, power, The Digital Society, DigiWork, DigiHealth, digitalisation, digitalization
Frostenson, Magnus Professor +4769608089 magnus.frostenson@hiof.no The Digital Society, DigiWork
Picture of Jörg Werner Kirchhoff Kirchhoff, Jörg Werner Professor +4769608699 jorg.kirchhoff@hiof.no The Digital Society, DigiWork
Picture of Anam Ilyas Ilyas, Anam Doctoral Research Fellow +47Ekstern01312799 anam.ilyas@hiof.no The Digital Society, DigiWork
Dolve, Fredrik Moi Doctoral Research Fellow +4769608606 fredrik.m.dolve@hiof.no The Digital Society, DigiWork