Nettsider med emneord «USA»

AreaS-seminar: Crisis Pregnancy Centers in the U.S. Digital Rhetoric, Misinformation, Trust
Publisert 8. feb. 2023 10:52

Last year we saw the overturning of Roe v. Wade, a historic Supreme Court decision that had guaranteed the right to abortion in the U.S. for almost 50 years.

In this AreaS seminar, Prof. Kirsti K. Cole and Prof. Johanna M. Wagner present the Crisis Pregnancy Centers (CPCs) that have bourgeoned across the U.S. since the latter 20th century. Cole and Wagner argue that while the CPCs present themselves as offering a trusted service to desperate women, their websites often include misinformation, deceptive facts and figures to dissuade them from getting an abortion.

The American flag waving in the wind
Publisert 6. feb. 2023 12:05

The International Team at HiØ invites you to an open lecture by Christophe Vallade about  the relentless and increased violence in America. 

Publisert 16. nov. 2021 12:41

Mellomvalget holdes i USA 6. november 2018. I dette nummeret av Fokus Areagår førstelektor i amerikansk kulturkunnskap og litteratur og AreaS medlem Robert Lewis Mikkelsen inn på hva dette valget betyr for maktbalansen mellom demokratene og republikanerne, samt mellom president Trump og kongressen. Mikkelsen intervjues av AreaS leder Franck Orban.

    Publisert 16. nov. 2020 18:06

    On November 10 – just one week after the event – Associate Professor Robert Mikkelsen analyzed the results of the presidential election and reviewed the consequences surrounding what promised to be an extraordinary election. The seminar took place at The House of Literature in Fredrikstad at 19:00.

    The podcast of the seminar is now available here.

    Publisert 30. sep. 2019 10:46

    Robert Mikkelsen is coming to the library to speak about gun control in the United States.

    Publisert 5. sep. 2019 14:45

    Robert Mikkelsen is coming to the library to speak about gun control in the United States.

    Publisert 31. okt. 2018 19:33

    En hel verden har ventet spent på utfallet av "Midterm Elections" i USA. Hva betyr resultatet for maktbalansen i landets politiske system, for president Trumps maktgrunnlag og for amerikansk inn- og utenrikspolitikk? Dette er spørsmål som førstelektor og AreaS medlem Robert Lewis Mikkelsen tar opp i en samtale med Johanna Mary Wagner. Seminaret er på engelsk.