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IT Services

Account hacked or compromised? Change your password immediately and contact IT-support by e-mail

Our most visited pages

Search in IT-services

Username and password

First time password, change password, forgot password, forgot username, account locked.

Account hacked or compromised? Change your password immediately and contact IT-vakt

Teaching and meetings online

Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Adobe Connect, Canvas Studio, Powerpoint, Video conference, Telephone conference

Contact IT Support (IT-vakt)

IT Support Fredrikstad +47 69 60 88 50
IT Support Halden +47 69 60 80 50

E-mail in Microsoft 365

E-mail for employees and students

Multifactor authentication

Sending large files

Network connection

Wired and wireless network, connection off campus

IT support for employees

New employee, computer for employees, SAP Portal etc.

Schedules and room booking

Printing, scanning and copying

Installing and setup of printer queue, payprint, copying and scanning

IT support for IT students

Programs and services

IT support during studies

Advice on PC during studies, lending equipment, private equipment on campus

IT support for conferences and events

Conferences and major events where extra IT support is needed

Storage and data classification

Storage services, storage guide, how to classify data and information

Interviews and recording of teaching and meetings

Sensitive data. Information security

Policies and forms

IT Rules and Regulations. Declaration of confidentiality