Nettsider med emneord «International students»

Publisert 27. mai 2024 09:01

One of the most frustrating things about starting a semester abroad can be accessing the necessary technical applications and log-ins!

Publisert 29. mars 2023 13:41

The last social event for exchange student before summer is a day out at Tusenfryd amusement park. This event guarantees excitement for the thrill-seekers as well as other activities for those that like their feet planted on the ground!

Bowling alley at Lucky Bowl.
Publisert 29. mars 2023 10:06

We hope you all join us for a game of bowling with pizza, at Lucky Bowl, Halden. 

The picture shows pieces of paper lying on the floor.
Publisert 4. apr. 2022 11:24

Teacher students from the Netherlands and international students from  Kenya and Zanzibar visited schools in Halden and Østfold University College last week, to learn how the Norwegian education system works.